When we were invited by our main supplier Ideatec to visit them at Rettmobil 2017 – we jumped at the chance, because over the last 4 years due to workload and holidays we have not been able to visit and we know this is a key exhibition for us, as technology is rapidly changing and keeping up with this is essential to us for being a key influence in the UK vehiclImage may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standinge conversion market..
When we arrived at the exhibition we were greeted by Philippe Migeot the CEO of Ideatec, where he introduced us to the other exclusive distributors of the Ideatec range. The French Distributor of Ideatec is Signaltec run by Sophie Azias from Lyons. Meeting Sophie was a great opportunity to talk about her market in France and discuss how she uses Ideatec products on the quite different emergency services and highways vehicles across France. We also discussed the opportunity to distribute Trafficlear products in France through Signaltec’s distribution channels. We plan to visit Signaltec very soon to discuss this further – a plan hatched by Andy our Ops Director, we think, highly influenced by his love of wine !!
Ideatec also has a distributor in the Netherlands which is Marelko; a long established company whose mission is to improve safety of workers on the roads by introducing a 5 steps to safety initiative, mainly covering products installed on vehicles. It was interesting to meet the founder of the company who has visited Rettmobil for as long as Rettmobil has been in existence … so lots of experience for us to listen to and learn from.
We had a great opportunity to look at the different types of vehicle conversions from all over Europe. They inspired us to look at how the Ideatec range could be used in different ways for different purposes by our UK customers; we can bring back that knowledge and share with our installation partners..
One key product we found at Rettmobil was a long awaited beacon range on the stand of Whelen Europe. We will certainly be asking Woodway about these beacons, obtaining some samples and showing our customers. This should allow Trafficlear to offer a top quality, yet ‘value-for-money’ beacon in the UK, which we feel hasn’t been available from Whelen (via Woodway) in the recent past.
Overall, attending Rettmobil was one of our key objectives for this year, mainly to keep the communications with our key supplier and be able to see what is going on in the European market – so we feel we successfully completed our objective.
Coming away from the exhibition we reflected at different types of lights that were on show and we also looked at the ‘competitive / alternative’ types of control systems positioned similarly to the Ideatec range, to realise there’s very little of the same quality as Whelen lighting and nothing that competes with the range, quality and functionality of Ideatec controllers.
Long may that continue !!!
Oh, and did we mention, Trafficlear now distributes more Ideatec GO112 products than any other Ideatec distributor … anywhere.
If you would like to know more about the GO112 Analogue Gauges check out our Youtube video which was filmed at Rettmobil!!
Our next goal … to be the biggest selling Ideatec distributor in the world !! We believe that during 2017 we should achieve that.
Why not find out what’s great about Ideatec products and the Trafficlear service by contacting Trafficlear today …. before your main competitor does !!!!!

Doug Fairlie