Energy Systems
No matter what kind of stored energy you use on your vehicle, be it electricity, air or fuel it is critical to consider how the energy consuming items interact with each other and how the energy supplies are produced to maintain the vehicle’s safe operation. We aim to remove engine idle by ensuring the correct battery and charge system is specified. This saves fuel, emissions and engine wear. It also means the legal obligation of no unattended engine idle is met.

Intelligence is Critical
Batteries, lights, heating, and charging cannot be thought about as isolated systems or components, especially when you have large loads such as AC power inverters, compressors, and water heating equipment. Specifying the correct battery-charger combination and managing the power supplied to each load in an intelligent way is critical.
Full Responsibility
When Trafficlear supplies equipment in kit form, we take responsibility for the system. There is no passing the buck between suppliers and the number of required parts to procure is reduced, saving time.
Time is money. This provides more manufacturing output with the same resource. Taking a partnership approach, Trafficlear provide designs, drawings, assembly instructions and support for DC and AC power systems. This can as an option include remote monitoring.
What's Included
We can provide simple to complex power systems which can provide you with up to;
- 80x 12/24V DC load managed outputs with control from battery state of charge
- Unlimited fuses and circuit breakers
- Up to 30kWh of lithium battery energy storage on board
- 600-1500W DC to DC bi-directional charging (optimised for lithium batteries)
- 10kVA single phase AC supply at 110Vac or 230Vac (415vac for 3 phase)
- Shoreline charging at up to 200A DC
- Automatic external generator start if required
- 600 to 1000W of solar on a 3.5t van (depending on vehicle) with MPPT control
- Unlimited fuses and circuit breakers
- 24V jump start from a 12V vehicle
Whether you want to run a domestic coffee machine to remove the need to visit a shop or 110v or 230v power tools we can provide the power system for you.